Living Your First Choices

Are you living your first choices? Are you 100% 95% of the time? Do you make excellent choices, morally and personally? When you are comfortable with your decisions, you are powerful and motivated. You feel balanced, relaxed, peaceful and awesome. You remember your good fortunate and pass it on to others. Self-assurance, personal security, self-motivation and living by your beliefs make you whole. It's not just a feeling. You are integrated.

The Diane Plan supports the mindset of “no regrets; power comes from action now," which develops when you own your decisions through independent action, when your daily decisions match your best self-image. The Diane Plan has been designed for your evolutionary pleasure. Your journey will be gratifying and productive and created by you. Your involvement is sure to build at least one bridge that you will use toward a new direction or a current path, newly fine-tuned.

Most of us compromise in life, not a bad act if you are your inspiration. The Diane Plan reminds you of where you stand and how much you concede for what reasons. This website offers tools for inspiration, self-discovery and uplift.

Whether you are comfortable 50% of your day and you've never made your own decision or your success level is at 100% and you always act on your first choice, The Diane Plan could be great for you! Because, if you're 100% satisfied with what you do, we would love to hear your story to inspire others.

Queries to determine your position: D'sStar

  • Do you enjoy your average day?
  • Would you be pleased if the whole town based its morality on yours?
  • Do your decisions reflect your beliefs?
Hope you can answer, “Yes.”

Personal growth demands that we continually answer the above questions over and over, to stay on the track that we have set for ourselves. There is always a new level to reach.

Quotes we like:
~ You are who, what and where you think you are!
~ Take inventory often (including appearance, creativity, emotions, finance, personal safety, personal time, philosophy, your profession and your relationships).
~ Make time for yourself.

The Diane Plan offers paths to success. It focuses on the synchronicity of you, your interests, goals and philosophy. Through simple practices, together we take inventory, evaluate objectives and develop an immediate course of action, inclusive of feel good time for reflection and have fun! Now! Now! Now!